Two Point Campus Course Planner

This tool will help you to plan your perfect course combination for your campus. This is done with a simple mathematical calculation. In practice, however, you might have to fight with your timetable scheduler.

If you found any problems, please feel free to open an issue. All contributions are welcome. The icons are from Two Point Campus Wiki.

Course Management

No course added yet! Add some course below.

Total Classroom Required: 0 room

No room required! Add some course above.
Courses Using This Room:
  • Academic Exercise: 2sl
  • Archaeology: 1sl
  • Countercultural Studies: 4sl
  • Dark Art: 4sl
  • Funny Business: 4sl
  • Gastronomy: 2sl
  • General Knowledge: 3sl
  • Internet History: 3sl
  • Knight School: 2sl
  • Money Wangling: 3sl
  • Musicality: 3sl
  • Paranormal Detection: 2sl
  • School Spirits: 5sl
  • Robotics: 3sl
  • School of Thought: 2sl
  • Scientography: 4sl
  • Spy School: 2sl
  • Virtual Normality: 3sl
  • Wizardry: 2sl
  • Astrology: 2sl
  • Cosmic Expansion: 3sl
  • Humanities: 2sl
  • Space Academy: 2sl
  • Space-Knight School: 2sl


Why is the number of students a multiple of 8?

In short, the maximum class size is 8. — If you have 9 students, you will require an additional room that can accommodate up to 16 students. So it's a good idea to take advantage of this to maximize your profit. Also, you can set the student intake to 0 in the game if you don't want to take any more students or shut down the course.

What is the difference between “Slots” and “Rooms”

Slots are basically a period for 1 class. A room can have at most 6 slots (periods).

For example, General Knowledge is a 1-year course that has 3 classes that need Lecture Theater.

  • If you have 1-8 students, it will take 3 slots out of 6 from 1 Lecture Theater.
  • If you have 9-16 students, it will take 6 slots out of 6 from 1 Lecture Theater.
  • If you have 17-24 students, it will need 9 slots (which split into 6+3 slots) from 2 Lecture Theaters.

This calculation also scales up with the amount of year of the course. For example, Money Wangling is a 2-year course that need Lecture Theater and Computer Lab.

  • If you have 1-8 students for each year, it will take 3 slots out of 6 from both 1 Lecture Theater and 1 Computer Lab.
  • If you have 9-16 students for each year, it will take 6 slots out of 6 from both 1 Lecture Theater and 1 Computer Lab.
  • If you have 17-24 students for each year, it will need 9 slots (which split into 6+3 slots) from both 2 Lecture Theaters and 2 Computer Labs.

As stated in the introduction, in practice, you might have to fight with your timetable scheduler to get the slots filled perfectly.

Medical School?

According to Two Point Campus Wiki:

Medical School Students do not attend a regular Class schedule, as is the norm for other Courses. Instead, three Doctors will observe, or take part in, Patient Treatment being administerd by a Teacher with the Medical School Qualification, in the Head Clinic, Psychiatry or Surgery.

Medical School Course, Two Point Campus Wiki

There is no set Timetable for this Course, and thus no scheduled Classes. The Students will instead observe, and participate in the treatment of Patients, which will provide them with tuition.

Nursing Course, Two Point Campus Wiki

With this mechanic, the planner will assume that, at some point in time, a group of 3 students may need to be in the same room. Hence, the capacity per room is 3, not 8 like other rooms. And since there's no fixed time frame, the classroom list will associate the room number with the student's number rather than the timeslots itself. In practice, it should be somewhat less than suggested.

Some Complete Sets

Course's Self-Closing Amount

Some courses, such as Knight School and Musicality, don't fare well with other courses because they have some left-over slots that are difficult to fit with other courses. But let me know if you can crack the code!